Most of us don't think about our bodies until they stop working properly.  Injury, Illness, and abuse can all cause major damage to our bodies and seriously affect the quality of our lives.  Though the body isn't the only factor when determining health, it is often the only one that people (and occasionally their doctors) focus on.

Below are a series of links to various articles about how you can help take care of your body to reduce the risk of injury and/or illness.


Cold & Flu

You will find out how to tell the difference between the two, how to help prevent them, and how to care for yourself if you've caught them.



Very few people enjoy going to the gym and running can be murder on your joints - so we'd like to offer some alternatives to help keep your body healthy for years to come.


Stroke & Heart Attack

Both can be deadly, and both can be preventable (in certain circumstances), so why wouldn't you take the steps to avoid these painful, life-changing events?  Here you'll find information specific to men and women as well as ways to help prevent heart attack and stroke.



The studies have finished, the results are in, and immunizations are not the enemy.  Besides saving you from life-threatening illnesses and diseases, they help to stop the spread of such illness/diseases to others.